Suspended Sediment

Current version of "Suspended Sediment"
Lead writerMurray Hicks
Workgroup membersMartin Doyle (Tasman District Council), Jeff Watson (Horizons Regional Council), Nicholas Holwerda (Auckland Council), Barry Lynch (Hawke’s Bay Regional Council), and Justin Wyatt, Haydon Jones, and Reece Hill (Waikato Regional Council)
Current version1.0.0
Published dateOctober 1, 2020
Planned review dateOctober 2021
Document statusCurrent
Download NEMS Measurement of Fluvial Suspended Sediment Load and its Composition v1.0.0
File information4.6 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
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Version History of "Suspended Sediment"
TitleVersionPublished DateChange Summary
Measurement of Fluvial Suspended Sediment Load and its Composition 1.0.0 October 2020
Suspended Sediment Monitoring 0.1 (draft)