Rating Curves

Current version of "Rating Curves"
Lead writerMarianne Watson (Hydronet Ltd)
Workgroup membersMartin Doyle (Tasman District Council), Graeme Horrell (NIWA)
Current version2.0.2
Published dateNovember 1, 2021
Planned review date
Document statusCurrent
Download NEMS Rating Curves v2.0.2
File information4.1 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Subscribers to this document64
Feedback on this version of the document0
Total feedback on all versions of the document5
Version History of "Rating Curves"
TitleVersionPublished DateChange Summary
Rating Curves 2.0.2 November 2021
Rating Curves 2.0.0 February 2020
Rating Curves 1.0 February 2016