
Current version of "Periphyton"
Lead writerShirley Hayward (Environment Canterbury)
Workgroup membersPhillip Downs (Steering Group representative), Mark Heath (Greater Wellington Regional Council), Michael Patterson (Horizons Regional Council), Roger Hodson (Environment Southland), Summer Greenfield (formerly of Greater Wellington Regional Council), Cathy Kilroy (NIWA) and Juliet Milne (NIWA)
Current version1.0.1
Published dateJuly 30, 2022
Planned review dateJuly 2023
Document statusCurrent
Download NEMS Periphyton v1.0.1
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Version History of "Periphyton"
TitleVersionPublished DateChange Summary
Periphyton 1.0.1 July 2022
Periphyton 1.0.0 November 2020
Periphyton 0.1 (draft) Starting late 2016