About NEMS

The National Environmental Monitoring Standards (NEMS) project aims to ensure consistency in the way environmental monitoring data is collected and handled throughout New Zealand.

With support from the Regional Chief Executive Officers (RCEO) and the Ministry for the Environment (MFE) a Steering Group was formed, and together with work groups made up of volunteer technical experts from local government, NIWA and industry partners, an initial release of NEMS documents and Best Practice Guidelines were developed. Further documents are developed as demand, resourcing and funding allow.

These documents prescribe technical standards, methods and other requirements associated with the continuous monitoring of a number of environmental parameters. The agencies that developed these standards are responsible for the majority of hydrological and continuous environmental related measurements within New Zealand.

It is recommended that these standards are adopted throughout New Zealand and that all data collected is also processed and quality coded appropriately. The degree of rigour in which the standard is applied, will depend on the quality of data sought.

Reviews are typically carried out 1 year after the date of initial issue and every 2 years thereafter and crown copyright is invoked.